No pain, no gain

You most likely know of the saying “hurt people, hurt people” and that sometimes the “truth hurts”. When I’m offended, how I see it, I’m basically left with two options, 1) walk away and not say anything or 2) confront the person that caused the hurt. Either way, i still need to see to my emotional wound, which at the end of the day only I’m responsible for.

Asking for feedback is a new concept to me. If I’m open to criticism, what I’m saying is that I’m open to growth. Having this perception, allows me to open myself to hurt I can be prepared for, like going to the gym. Now me and the gym ain’t best of buddies! I need a gym buddy to get me there. Some people prefer to gym on their own, while some people, like myself need to have someone to hold me accountable. And maybe the same applies to emotional fitness.

You could be okay and content with where your life is right now, or you can choose growth. I learned not to compare myself to others, everyone is on their own journey, but to compare myself to the person I was yesterday. Life is too glorious to go day in and day out doing the same old boring thing. A happy life has balance. When I focus too much in one area of my life, I remind myself to do a regular check in. Most times I don’t see that I go off balance, then I have people that will come into my life giving me a fresh perspective.

We need to be kind to ourselves and one another. I was once that person that was content with staying stagnant. Growth only happened by default or by force, was never with intent. Now I choose to live my life with purpose and I wish the same for you.

Author: Verina

I’m no expert on any subject matter. I’m here to share my personal experiences and hopefully learn from others.