Best relationships are maintained from a heart connection

Not too long ago my believe was that, I’m no longer going to following my heart, because it resulted in too much pain and heart ache. I knew the saying “follow your heart, but take your brain with it”. That was what I thought I was doing, but I still got hurt. Then to play it safe, I adopted a new believe ‘better to lead your heart’. I thought I could fake it till I make it. This does apply in most circumstances, but in my experience it takes way too much energy when applied to relationships and wanting to create a human connection.
Today I prepared a short presentation, which ended up no where near what I prepared in saying. The moment I got hold of the mic, I was compelled to speak from my own experience (from my heart). I felt the connection with my audience, which I doubt I would have if I spoke just of facts. I was living in the moment. Not thinking of when will it be over or bothered whether I was making any mistakes. I was not all up in my head. I allowed my heart to take the lead, and my brain to follow with the facts.

Author: Verina

I’m no expert on any subject matter. I’m here to share my personal experiences and hopefully learn from others.